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Why waste water? Use the Ilford Archival Wash Method

After processing your film or printing paper, it is necessary to remove the chemicals from the photographic material. Mostly the fixer will...

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Today is World Pinhole Day 2017!

Today is the day to eschew glass and make exposures onto film or paper from a pinhole. Make your own camera, adapt a camera you already have (make a pinhole in a spare body cap of an interchangeable lens camera) or buy a pinhole camera from a shop.

Today is the day to make those exposures, then process them. If you wish you may upload selected images to the World Pinhole Day Gallery. Submission closing date is May 31, 2017.

Visit the Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day site for more information.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Film Ferrania ships film!

Finally, Film Ferrania is shipping the latest batch of P30 B&W film. Since April 7th, apparently. However, there have been some delays due to quality control. Once all the pre-orders are filled, then the shop will be opened to sell P30 film on an on-going basis, no pre-order required.

That is all for now.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Around the Web Wrap-up for the Week

Plenty of news out there in film land. Film Ferrania is working on their first batch of P30 B&W film for sale to the public. Still no further news as of writing on the status that, their web page just says the pre-order sold out. Hopefully, we will see something soon.

The Phoblographer continues great coverage of silver halide related topics. A quick article on shooting with expired film, a piece on the troubles at Kodak, and an article with videos featuring Nick Exposed on buying used film cameras. Nick points out that celluloid-based photography is getting popular again, and with the lack of new film cameras, prices are going up, but there are still deals to be had.

Chris Gampart at the Phoblographer is going to do a series on every emulsion in 35mm or 120 that he can get his hands on. The first of the series tests Lomography XPro slide 200 film in 35mm format. This film is called XPro for cross-processing, a film for experimenting. This series should be exciting to see, as it is hard to economically test every film made (there are so many of them now!), since most of us do not have easy access to many of the brands out there. B&H levels the playing field for most of the world, but shipping and handling costs money, too.

Not to dwell on just one website, #BelieveInFilm has some great articles on the Leica Sofort, a wrap-up of five must-see film photography tweets, including the release of Cinestill 800T in 120 format, and yet another analog photography Kickstarter, the Optiko photobook. #BelieveInFilm also has a nice piece on shooting expired Instax film. Great site, a must see.

Finally, Nick mentioned in one of his videos, Mathieu Stern, with his collection of lenses, some adapted to modern cameras and some made from scratch, is well worth a visit. See Mathieu's YouTube channel, below.

Mathieu Stern's YouTube Channel