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Why waste water? Use the Ilford Archival Wash Method

After processing your film or printing paper, it is necessary to remove the chemicals from the photographic material. Mostly the fixer will...

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Omnar Lenses: New Project to Make Leica Lenses

Hamish Gill of the 35mmc blog, has announced briefly in an interview with Analogue Wonderland that he will be partnering with Chris at Skyllaney Opto-Mechanics to produce a new series of lenses for Leica cameras under the Omnar Lenses brand.  The initial lens made by Hamish will be made from salvaged compact camera lenses (what else would they be made from?).  Eventually, a lens with manufactured elements is planned.


Monday, February 22, 2021

The Massive Dev Chart: Interview


Analogue Wonderland, a magical source of all things film photography related in the UK, has an interview with Jon Mided of the DigitalTruth Massive Dev Chart posted.  Every B&W photographer who develops film themselves should be well acquainted with this Chart.  

Apps are available for iOS and Android with the Chart builtin, along with a timer that offers temperature compensation and the ability to store previous film and developer combinations.

The interview is worth the read, and the Massive Dev Chart should be a tool in every darkroom practitioner's kit.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Development by Extreme Minimal Agitation

Steve Sherman of Power of Process Workshops, gives an overview of Extreme Minimal Agitation and how it releates to stand and semi-stand development.  He believes that the technique of EMA development produces controlled, superior results.

Suffice to say, diluted developer and long development times with specific steps for agitation yield negatives with controlled highlights and detailed shadow areas.

Another technique to have in the arsenal for B&W development.

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Why shoot film in 2021?

One man asks "Why shoot film in 2021?" and then gives some reasons.  I'm sure anyone can come up with rationalizations for why they do something.  Doesn't mean the reasons are wrong, though.  

The number one reason to shoot film is that it is fun, magical and what you want to do.

NSFW language or if you have senstivity to certain language.  He bleeps out some of his commentary.