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Why waste water? Use the Ilford Archival Wash Method

After processing your film or printing paper, it is necessary to remove the chemicals from the photographic material. Mostly the fixer will...

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Film Never Die: Introducing the CP800 Film Processor

Just two weeks ago as of writing, the film lab, Film Never Die, of Melbourne, Australia, released the Compact Processor 800 semi-automatic film processor.   Of interest to those who want to do commercial-level film processing, the CP800 can process up to eight rolls of film.  Blanks are provided to save on chemistry when processing fewer rolls. 

This processor has been widely reported on, at 35mmc and Kosmo Foto, for example.  Of note, is that this processor failed at a Kickstarter, but even so, the company pressed on and made the device, albeit with some compromises.  The processor comes with documentation for setting it up and using it.  The controller is an Arduino, and the controller software is open source and available on GitHub.

Monday, November 7, 2022

Frame Voyager: Has Kodak Abandoned the New 8mm Movie Film Camera?

Has Kodak abandoned the new 8mm movie film camera first announced in... 2016?!   Not a peep has been heard from the major film company about this camera for quite some time.  Do you think Kodak has abandoned the camera?  Watch and decide for yourself!  Leave me a message if you know different!