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Why waste water? Use the Ilford Archival Wash Method

After processing your film or printing paper, it is necessary to remove the chemicals from the photographic material. Mostly the fixer will...

Friday, April 26, 2019

World Pinhole Photography Day 2019

This Sunday, April 28th, is World Pinhole Photography Day. On that day, make a photograph (or more if you wish). Then develop and scan your photos. Select one or more then submit one at http://pinholeday.org.

This is not a contest, so feel free to upload the image that pleases you most. Read about how to submit an image, which includes the instructions for scanning and submitting your photo.

The rules for WPPD are straightforward. Take a picture on or during April 28th, 2019, with a pinhole-type lens on the media of your choice, then register and submit your single entry by May 31st, 2019.

Your blogger leaves you with a (not eligible for WPPD) pinhole photogragh taken with a Thingify 37mm focal length pinhole lens on Ilford Delta 3200.  Even in bright daylight the exposure was relatively long.  Since the picture was taken handheld, there may be some additional softness from the length of the exposure.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Kodak in the News: Ektachrome in 120 and Sheet Film Format

PopPhoto reports that Kodak is working on producing Ektrachrome 100 in 120 and sheet film formats. PopPhoto learned from the Sunny 16 podcast that the film base used for 120 and sheet film is different than the base used for 35mm film, so the formula for the emulsion has to be reworked. Release will be later this year as testing progresses.

PopPhoto also learned from the same podcast that Kodak P3200 may become available in 120 format.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

MiNT Camera Blog

Looking for info on instant photography from a seller and maker of instant cameras? Try Gary Ho at MiNT Camera, he has recently started the MiNT Camera Blog.

MiNT Camera reworks the Polaroid SX-70 camera by putting new electronics in the camera and refurbishing the body of the camera, which is then sold as the MiNT SLR670. The SLR670 comes in a few variations, so one can pick a camera that fits one's taste. Of course, if you want an original SX-70, they refurbish and sell those.

Gary designed and now makes the MiNT Instaflex TL70 camera, which uses Fujifilm Instax Mini film.

Check out the MiNT Camera Blog!

Friday, April 19, 2019

World Pinhole Photography Day, 2019

Just a short note that April 28th is World Pinhole Photography Day! Just visit the Pinhole Photography Day site for more details.