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Why waste water? Use the Ilford Archival Wash Method

After processing your film or printing paper, it is necessary to remove the chemicals from the photographic material. Mostly the fixer will...

Sunday, April 25, 2021

World Pinhole Photography Day 2021

Today is World Pinhole Photography Day for 2021!  Snap your pinhole photos today and upload to http://pinholeday.org/.

You have until June 30th, 2021 to upload your photos, but the photos must be taken today.  

There are many options, from a shoe box to a pinhole lens, such as the Thingify Pro S lens and anything in between.  It is even possible to make your own pinhole lens with a modified body cap or lens board on a camera and a piece of foil.


Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Slides from B&W Film: Adox Scala Process

Lina takes us through the easy five step process to create slides from B&W film with the Adox Scala process.  The kit contains no restricted chemistry, so it can be shipped anywhere in the world.  There are only two liquid concentrates required for processing, the developer and bleach, plus a clearing bath shipped in powder form.  

The extra two steps over regular B&W processing are exposing the film to light and the second development.  Simple.

Lina uses 35mm film for this video.  The Adox Scala 35mm film is made on a clear base, with lots of silver content, for great results.  Keep in mind that many large format and roll films (120 format) are often made on a clear base.  Check the technical data for your chosen film.

Order a kit worldwide from Fotoimpex.  A detailed video on the process is available from Adox Scala.  Product details are on the Adox website.

Lets let Lina take it away!