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Why waste water? Use the Ilford Archival Wash Method

After processing your film or printing paper, it is necessary to remove the chemicals from the photographic material. Mostly the fixer will...

Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Impossible Project Introduces Round Pictures

There was certainly lots of activity for silver-process film in the month of February. This blog is slowly catching up as life lets your author take a breath. The Impossible Project keeps Polaroid-compatible instant film alive for the SX-70 and 600 cameras.

Their latest product is the square, circled, as they put it. The film introduces instant film with a round frame. With a nod to pinhole photography and the vignetting of early portraiture, you can frame your photos with a modern classic. These films are available in both colour and B&W, with a choice of white frame or black frame.

The Impossible Project produces instant film for use with Polaroid cameras. They also make an easy to use instant film lab for your phone. Get the look of silver prints instantly, from your phone. The Project also sells Polaroid cameras for use with their film.

Keep in mind that a SX-70 cameras are possibly near you at a yard sale for a few bucks. An introduction to a Polaroid camera need not be expensive. The battery is contained in the film pack for the SX-70, so as long as there is no film in the camera, it is probably ready to fit a new pack of film and go. The likelihood of battery leakage is nil so long as the pack was removed.