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Why waste water? Use the Ilford Archival Wash Method

After processing your film or printing paper, it is necessary to remove the chemicals from the photographic material. Mostly the fixer will...

Thursday, June 9, 2016

News to Come

There is no shortage of news in the film world, some of it not so good and some of it great. While Fuji Instax instant film is a hit, Fuji is discontinuing instant pack film for Polaroid cameras. The great news is that Cat Labs of JP has declared that they will be embarking on a project to make pack film! They will be working with Bergger to produce presumably B&W pack film compatible with FP-100B-type packs. It would be great if they could also create FP-3000B-type packs for those cameras that used this high speed film.

Film Ferrania is still working on the rewards for its Kickstarter. Hopefully, they will start delivering colour reversal film soon. We all await the production of their film line, which includes 35mm still film, 120 format film, 16mm movie film and Super8 movie film. While Kodak has revived its Super8 film production and introduced a new Super8 camera, having choice is always a good thing.

There are plenty of choices out there for analogue photography and lots of support coming from hard working companies that produce the film we love. Whether it is for effect, nostalgia or using great equipment that just keeps working, there is something for everyone.