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Friday, September 16, 2016

2016 Super Harvest Moon

This Friday, September 16th, is a full moon that is at perigee-syzygy, as explained in the the Time and Date Astronomy section. This is when the moon is at its closest and in line with the Earth and the Sun (all three are aligned). At moonrise, near sunset, the moon will appear to be large, bright and orange in colour. A great subject for photography!

EarthSky points out that those in much of Europe can see an eclipse of the moon at moonrise, while those in New Zealand and Eastern Australia will see an eclipse at moonset. North America and most of South America will not see the eclipse.

Check out this moon exposure calculator for a good estimate for exposure. The moon is brighter than you think, so a low ISO is all that is required for a clear shot. Capturing the moon near the horizon will show the moon looking its biggest with that harvest moon colour.