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Why waste water? Use the Ilford Archival Wash Method

After processing your film or printing paper, it is necessary to remove the chemicals from the photographic material. Mostly the fixer will...

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Film Ferrania: Release of P30 ALPHA

The Film Ferrania website is slow responding at time of writing. The news though, is that the project has followed the wishes of many who commented on the update in December, Firsts!, where it was revealed that test rolls of a B&W emulsion were made. The test runs were for evaluation of the film producing machinery and to test their emulsion formulas.

The scan of the film shown in that update brought many to ask for access to that film. And so P30 was launched, a classic emulsion with a lineage dating back to a 1960s emulsion made by Ferrania of the same name, with a cinema pedigree, ultrafine grain, and very high silver content. The project hopes that with this ALPHA introduction of the film, much like an alpha release of software, will allow feedback from photographers and rapid improvements to the film and the process of making the film.

While the initial roll of film showed various defects, it is hoped that when the film is released in mid-Februrary, that most of the defects seen (such as bubbles formed on the emulsion during coating, scratches, dust, etc) will be greatly reduced or eliminated.

The film is ISO 80 will be available by mid-month in 35mm format.