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Why waste water? Use the Ilford Archival Wash Method

After processing your film or printing paper, it is necessary to remove the chemicals from the photographic material. Mostly the fixer will...

Friday, February 1, 2019


The news has been around the web on the demise of Tetenal GmbH.  This is the German arm of the conglomerate that originated in Germany and has been around since the late 1800s.

However, Tetenal UK has announced that it is fine and doing well.  There is also a North American supplier of products from Tetenal, so the familiar C41 and E6 home processing kits should remain available for the time being.

As this story unfolds, sites such as emulsive.org and so on should have the latest news.

For now, no reason to panic, despite the loss of part of a company that is core to colour film processing.