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Why waste water? Use the Ilford Archival Wash Method

After processing your film or printing paper, it is necessary to remove the chemicals from the photographic material. Mostly the fixer will...

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

New Film, Old Film

First, new film.  The Lomography project has yet another fully funded Kickstarter for yet another silver halide film.  The previous three Kickstarters for film have yet to fully deliver rewards, with Film Ferrania and Silberra going radio silent months ago, and Save Pack Film still working on prototypes.

But this is Lomography, the master of Kickstarters.  Plus they have made unique film before, LomoChrome Purple and LomoChrome Turquoise.  So, with some trepidation, may we present:

But wait, there is more!  Remember New55 4x5 instant film?  Shutdown in the midst of a Kickstarter itself back in December of 2017?  Well, here is the old film part, New55 FILM, Inc. has been formed to bring back 4x5 instant film.  Investments have been secured, machines, reagent and materials tested and planned for production, it looks like it is coming together.  Check it out at:

Famous Format was formed initially to sell FF No. 1 Monobath, an improved formula over the R5 Monobath film developer, which has been discontinued.