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Saturday, June 12, 2021

Last Week In Film Photography: JCH

Japan Camera Hunter, Bellamy, wrote a piece on the new film released on Kickstarter by Kosmo Foto:  Agent Shadow 400.  Kosmo Foto has experience selling their Mono film worldwide since November 2017.

Last month, Cinestill announced bwXX film in 120 format.  This film is similar to the Kodak Double X 5222 cinema film for 35mm, but in medium format, opening the door for medium format shooters to get that cinematic black & white look.

Even earlier last month, Dubblefilm released the third reloadable camera, the turquiose camera.  This is a fresh look for the hot summer, with a pink cover, lilac strap and turquoise Show reloadable camera.

Back to this week, Japan Camera Hunter has JCH Streetpan 400 film in 120 format on sale! Up to $20 off for the 10 pack, $10 off the 5 pack with or without case and and $6 off the 3 pack.  That is $2 off a roll!

Finally, ending on one direct from Polaroid, not JCH, an interview with Quinn Wilson who creates with the dimunitive, recently released Polaroid Go camera.  An instant camera that is easy to carry and have with you at all times.

Enjoy your week!

Kosmo Foto Agent Shadow 400 Kickstarter: