If you are hungering for 220 format B&W film, fresh stock is coming from Shanghai Shenbei. There have been complaints about emulsion quality in the past, so exercise caution before stocking up. There should be no backing paper problems though, 220 only has paper at the ends. It is said that the factory in China has changed hands and is being advised by an established producer of film.
Shanghai GP3 in 220 format was reported on Pentax Forums by the user, Diskonnect.
The Talk Photography forum previously reported that Nik & Trik in the UK has a supply of Shanghai GP3 film in 220 format. At time of writing, £9.69 Inc. vat a roll. Not bad for double the length of 120. Also available in 120, 127, 620 and 35mm formats, and in sheet film up to 20x24.
Also available at the official GP3 store.