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After processing your film or printing paper, it is necessary to remove the chemicals from the photographic material. Mostly the fixer will...

Monday, August 22, 2022

The Photography Professor: All About Instax Film

The Photography Professor has an article, All About Instax Film, that gives the history, cameras, options and more all about Fujifilm Instax film.  This is an integrated instant film, based on licensed Polaroid film technology, since the 1990s.  The Professor points out the the film is different from what Polaroid used to make.  Modern Polaroid is another history, arising from the ashes with the help of the Impossible Project.

There is an extensive table of contents in the article, if one wants to use it as a reference.  

The author of All About Instax Film, Lee, has this to say about shaking your instant film photograph:

Should You Shake Instax Film?

No, you should not shake your Instax film because you could ruin the image. You may think that shaking your Instax film may speed of the development process but according to Fujifilm, the manufacturer of Instax film, shaking Instax film while it is developing could damage the development chemicals on the image, causing it not to spread evenly over the image and prevents the photo from developing correctly.

In my experience, shaking the image after it comes out of the camera also may make the image blurry and/or cause feather-like patterns on the film. In addition, if you touch the image area while shaking it, you will cause spots on the image.
Grab an instant camera, and experience tangible photography today!