The Phoblographer gives a favourable review of the Atlanta Film Company 250D film. The film is respooled cinema ISO 250 daylight balanced colour film. If you like to shoot colour and find colour film just a bit pricey, maybe the AFC cinema films are for you!
The caveat is that the film is process ECN-2 and has remjet on it. It is not possible to send it to a lab that processes C41 or E6, since the remjet will ruin the chemistry at such a lab. AFC will process and scan the film for you, for a fee. The Phoblographer does not disclose the processing fee, but the Atlanta Film Company website lists $9.99 for ECN-2 processing at time of writing. Film, if it were available, was listed at $9.99 by The Phoblographer site.
Read the review and see if this film is for you! When supply returns, grab at roll at the Atlanta Film Company.