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Why waste water? Use the Ilford Archival Wash Method

After processing your film or printing paper, it is necessary to remove the chemicals from the photographic material. Mostly the fixer will...

Sunday, March 26, 2023

TOP: Selling Out

The Online Photogapher writes that he is selling his blog for great profits real soon now.  Buyer, Spliff Wayzos, will take over the blog for a tidy sum.   Oh, wait, what is the date today?

In a more serious tone, TOP writer, chief bottle washer and owner, Michael C. Johnston, laments the declining revenue for his blog.  Is this a malaise cast over all photography media?  Or just seen of late for <cough>digital</cough> photography media (Mike mentions DPReview - itself being shut down on April 10th).

Hopefully, this is not the end of TOP, but maybe the days of making a living from blogging about photography are short, if that blog is a bellwether.  Perhaps analog photography will be saved this fate?

Your Blogger makes no money from this rag, and so there is little fear of Ag+ Process shutting down due to lack of blog revenues.  Other reasons, sure, but not revenues.  Keep on reading, faithful Readers!


The Online Photographer's Pateron.

The link to the the article on DCRP shutting down in 2012, mentioned in the second TOP posting.