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Why waste water? Use the Ilford Archival Wash Method

After processing your film or printing paper, it is necessary to remove the chemicals from the photographic material. Mostly the fixer will...

Saturday, October 7, 2017

JCH: Dan K on the Top 10 Manual Film SLRs

Japan Camera Hunter reminded us of a featured article by one Dan K. from nearly half a decade ago.  A top ranking page even today, this Top 10 List of Manual 35mm Film SLRs is worth a read.  The list comments on each camera, labelling one as ``agricultural'' and another as ``by far the most expensive camera mentioned in this review.''  No, that latter camera was not a Leica, either.  The comments are insightful and worth perusing.

So, while we take in this holiday weekend, lets give thanks for all the great hardware and glass that is available to us today.  There are plenty of places to pick up a film camera or lens:  KEH, B&H Used, eBay, Japan Camera Hunter or even ask Bellamy to find one.